2011 Presenters

Center for Theoretical Economics 

2011 Kansas Workshop on Economic Theory -- Presenters
June 6, 2011

Adib Bagh

Adib Bagh received his Ph.D. in Economics in 2008 from the University of California-Davis. He is currently an assistant professor in the departments of Mathematics and Economics at the University of Kentucky. His research areas are mathematical economics, game theory, and theoretical I.O. Recently, he has been interested in the existence of equilibria in discontinuous constrained games. He is also interested in various questions regarding non-linear pricing schemes, particularly those involving menus of two-part and three-part tariffs. 

Bernard CornetBernard Cornet is Oswald Distinguished Professor in Microeconomics at the University of Kansas, and  Professor of Mathematics at Universite Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne. His research interests are in Microeconomics, Mathematical Economics, Mathematical Finance, and Optimization. 
Maciej Kotowski

Maciej Kotowski completed his PhD in economics at the University of
California, Berkeley, in 2011. His research centers on microeconomic
theory, with particular emphasis on auctions and mechanism and market
design. From July 2011 he is Assistant Professor at the Kennedy School
of Government, Harvard University. 

Laurent Mathevet

Laurent Mathevet is an Assistant Professor at the University of Texas at Austin. He completed undergraduate studies at the University of Saint-Etienne, France, and he received his Ph.D. from the California Institute of Technology. His research has focused on game theory and mechanism design. He has worked on explaining the richness of outcomes in games with incomplete information, and he has studied stability in mechanism design. His current research includes learning in games.

Andrew Monaco

Andrew Monaco is currently completing his PhD in Economics at the University of Kansas. His undergraduate work spans several fields, including economics, political science, french, and philosophy. He currently teaches his own Game Theory course as a Graduate Teaching Assistant, and was recently awarded with a Graduate Research Fellowship by the University of Kansas Office of Graduate Studies. Andrew's research interests include Game Theory, Industrial Organization and Decision Theory. 

Paulo Natenzon

Paulo Natenzon will be joining the faculty of Economics at Washington University in St. Louis as Assistant Professor in the fall of 2011, after receiving his Ph.D. in Economics from Princeton University. His research focuses on Behavioral Decision Theory.

Siyang Xiong

Siyang Xiong received his Ph.D. in Economics from Northwestern University in 2009.  Since then, he has been an Assistant Professor of Economics at Rice University.  His research has focused on game theory and mechanism design. 

John Zhu

John Zhu is Assistant Professor of Finance at the Wharton School. He received his PhD in Mathematics from the University of California - Berkeley. John Zhu's research interests include dynamic contracting, game theory, corporate finance and probability. Ongoing projects include work on corporate board design and the foundations of continuous-time models.