2019 Presenters
May 10, 2019
English Room, Kansas Memorial Union

Rabah Amir
Rabah Amir is J. Edward Lundy Professor of Economics at University of Iowa. His present research deals with theoretical and applied aspects of oligopoly behavior, innovation and market structure; the theory and application of dynamic games in economics and finance; methodological aspects of supermodularity and economic complementarity and applications; and some aspects of environmental and public economics. [Program page]

Jéssica Dutra
Jéssica Dutra’s research interests are in Antitrust Economics, Industrial Organization, Law & Economics and Applied Microeconomics. Her papers focus on merger review methods, cost efficiencies in antitrust analysis, unilateral effects of consolidation, and concerns of common ownership across the hospital industry. She has graduated from Ibmec-MG in Brazil and Université de Strasbourg in France. She is currently completing her PhD at the University of Kansas and will join Economists Incorporated as Senior Economist this summer. [Program page]

Octavia Federica Ghelfi
Octavia Federica Ghelfi is a PhD student in Economics at New York University. Her primary interests are in microeconomic theory and industrial organization. Most of her projects focus on questions in matching theory and optimal transport. [Program page]

Kevin He
Kevin He studies microeconomic theory and behavioral economics. Recently, he has worked on the implications of multi-agent learning in various settings with rational or behavioral learners. He earned a bachelor’s degree in economics, mathematics, and statistics from UC Berkeley and expects to receive his PhD in economics from Harvard University in May 2019. [Program page]

Teddy Mekonnen
Teddy Mekonnen is currently a Linde Postdoctoral Fellow at California Institute of Technology. He received his PhD in Economics from Northwestern University. His research focuses on information economics and mechanism design. In the fall of 2019, he will be joining the Economics Department at Brown University as an assistant professor. [Program page]

Edward Schlee
Edward Schlee is Professor of Economics at Arizona State University. He holds a BA degree in Social Science (Economics, History, and Philosophy) from the University of North Texas and a PhD in Economics from the University of Illinois. Schlee works in the economics of uncertainty and information, in particular on the value of information in decisions and games, contract theory, welfare economics, and the history of economic theory. [Program page]

Janelle Schlossberger
Janelle Schlossberger is a Ph.D. candidate in Business Economics at Harvard Business School and the Department of Economics. Her main research interests include theory, networks, and applied theory with secondary interests in macroeconomics and finance. She received her A.B. in Physics and Mathematics from Harvard University. [Program page]

Lukasz Wozny
Lukasz Wozny is an Associate Professor at the Warsaw School of Economics, Department of Quantitative Economics. HIs research interests include stochastic games, large games, time consistency and self control, recursive competitive equilibrium and lattice programming. More can be found on his webpage. [Program page]

Nicholas Yannelis
Nicholas Yannelis is currently: the Editor of Economic Theory, the Henry B. Tippie Research Professor of Economics at the University of Iowa, the Sir John Hicks Professor of Economic Theory at the University of Manchester, and the Emeritus Commerce Distinguished Alumni Professor of Economics at the University of Illinois. His current research is focused on general equilibrium, experimental economics, and game theory with asymmetric information. [Program page]

John Zhu
John Zhu is an Assistant Professor of Finance at The Wharton School. He received his PhD in mathematics from UC Berkeley. John's research interests are in contracts, game theory, and corporate finance. His work has been published in Econometrica, Review of Economic Studies, and American Economic Journal: Microeconomics. [Program page]