2018 Presenters
May 4, 2018
English Room, Kansas Memorial Union

Zaier Aouani
Zaier Aouani’s research interests cover general equilibrium theory, financial economics, decision theory, and mathematical economics. He has recently been working on general equilibrium models that explore the implications of endogenously restricting agents’ participation to financial markets, and on multidimensional inequality and its relationship to the mathematical concepts of inframodularity and majorization.

Ala Avoyan
Ala Avoyan is currently completing her PhD in economics at NYU. Her research interests are in microeconomic theory, experimental economics and behavioral economics, focusing on attention in decision problems and games and also on communication in strategic settings. She will join the department of economics at Indiana University as an assistant professor in 2018.

Marcus Berliant
Marcus Berliant is a mathematical economist at Washington University in St. Louis who works primarily in urban economics and public finance. After graduating from Cornell University as a College Scholar with a BA in nothing in particular, he received an MA in statistics from the University of California - Berkeley with Betty Scott as his adviser, and then a Ph.D. in economics with Gerard Debreu as his adviser. His first job was at the University of Rochester, a cold and distant outpost, where he interacted with many faculty including Lionel McKenzie and Bill Riker, both of whom had a big impact on his research. Moving to Washington University in 1994, he received the Emerson Excellence in Teaching Award in 2003, Outstanding Faculty Mentor Awards in 2000 and 2002 for his work with graduate students, and was elected a Fellow of the Regional Science Association International in 2005. Uncle Marcus is fond of dogs and his graduate students, 38 of whom have completed their doctorates and one of whom was his boss.

Ram Sewak Dubey
Ram Sewak Dubey joined Montclair State University in Fall 2012 and currently is Associate Professor in the Department of Economics. He went to University of Roorkee for undergraduate degree in Civil engineering, IIT Delhi for masters in Water Resource engineering and to Cornell University for the doctorate degree in economics. His research interests are intergenerational equity and economic dynamics in heterogeneous agents models with debt constraints.

Federico Echenique
Federico Echenique is the Allen and Lenabelle Davis Professor of Economics at the Division of the Humanities and Social Sciences at Caltech. He graduated from the Universidad de la República in Uruguay, and obtained a PhD in Economics from the University of California at Berkeley. Echenique works on game theory, two-sided markets, and economic theory.

Xiaosheng Mu
Xiaosheng Mu is currently completing his PhD in economics at Harvard University. His research interests lie in information acquisition and mechanism design. Post graduation, he will first be at the Cowles Foundation as a postdoctoral research associate, and will join the economics department at Columbia University as an assistant professor in 2019.

Harry Pei
Harry Pei is an economic theorist. Most of his papers focus on strategic interactions in dynamic environments, such as repeated signalling, reputation building, etc. He has also worked on one-shot signalling games, cheap talk games and mechanism design problems without money. He earned a bachelor's degree in mathematics in Tsinghua University, a master's degree in economics in Toulouse School of Economics, and is expected to receive his PhD in economics from MIT in June 2018.

René Leal Vizcaíno
René Leal Vizcaíno is currently completing his PhD in economics at Northwestern University. He has broad research interest in information economics, comparative statics and classical revealed preference analysis, and his work spans from theory to industrial organization. He will join next year the Bank of Mexico as a research economist.