2017 Presenters
May 5, 2017
Centennial Room, Kansas Memorial Union

Satoshi Fukuda
Satoshi Fukuda is currently completing his PhD in Economics at the University of California, Berkeley. He studies microeconomic theory and game theory. His recent research focuses on: modeling of interactive knowledge/belief/unawareness in strategic situations, a dynamic mechanism design approach to collective decision making problems, and the dependence of bargaining outcomes on bargaining protocols. He will join the Department of Decision Sciences at Bocconi University this fall.

Allan Hernandez-Chanto
Allan Hernandez-Chanto is currently completing his Ph.D. in economics at Arizona State University and will join the Department of Economics at the University of Queensland as a lecturer (assistant professor) in the fall of 2017. His research interests include mechanism design, market design, game theory and financial economics. In his recent research, he studies how to evaluate different admission policies in a centralized system when students have an incentive to misreport their true preferences. His agenda also includes the study of optimal auctions when the seller can use securities to determine bidders' payment; and the study of optimal mechanisms under negative externalities.

Chen Zhao
Chen Zhao is currently completing his PhD in economics at Princeton University. His research concentrates on microeconomic theory and in particular axiomatic decision theory. His thesis formally relates probabilistic belief updating with concepts in psychology and information theory. He will be joining the University of Hong Kong as an assistant professor in 2017.
Ichiro Obara
Ichiro Obara is a Professor of Economics at UCLA. He received BA and MA from university of Tokyo, then Ph.D. from University of Pennsylvania in 2001. He has taught at UCLA and University of Minnesota since then. He is also charter member and a co-director of UCLA engineering Economics, Learning, and Networks, which is an interdisciplinary center for computer scientists, economists, and engineers. His research interests include economic theory and game theory (repeated/dynamic games and mechanism design) and their applications to related areas such as Industrial organization.

M. Ali Khan
M. Ali Khan is Abram Hutzler Professor of Political Economy at Johns Hopkins University. He continues to pursue interests in economic interaction, as formalized in general equilibrium models, models of asset-pricing with an arbitrary index set of assets. He sees issues in development economics alongside those in methodology and the history of ideas. His interests in theory and epistemology are complemented by those in mathematics, including methods of nonstandard analysis, nonsmooth analysis and optimization, and stochastic processes.

Rabah Amir
Rabah Amir is J. Edward Lundy Professor of Economics at University of Iowa. His present research deals with theoretical and applied aspects of oligopoly behavior, innovation and market structure; the theory and application of dynamic games in economics and finance; methodological aspects of supermodularity and economic complementarity and applications; and some aspects of environmental and public economics.

Anne Villamil
Anne Villamil is a Professor of Economics & Finance and a Tippie Fellow at the University of Iowa. She earned her B.A. at the University of Rochester and her Ph.D. at the University of Minnesota. Her research focuses on firm dynamics, bankruptcy and enforcement. Her current research focuses on the quantitative effects of institutions and policies on the macroeconomy and development. Her research has been supported by the NSF, NCSA, and the Kauffman Foundation.
Villamil has been a research scholar at the IMF, the Institute for Advanced Studies in Austria, the National University of Singapore, the Hallsworth Visiting Professor at the University of Manchester, and the Peter Moores Research Fellow at the University of Oxford. She is the Editor of the Annals of Finance, and an Associate Editor at Economic Theory, Economic Theory Bulletin, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, and the Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance. Her research is published in leading economics journals.

Pawel Dziewulski
Pawel Dziewulski is a Career Development Fellow at the Department of Economics and an Economics Tutor at Lady Margaret Hall, University of Oxford. He received his bachelors degree from the Warsaw School of Economics and his doctorate from the University of Oxford. His research focusses on topics in monotone comparative statics and revealed preference analysis. He is also interested in, and have worked on, issues in general equilibrium, game theory, and behavioural economics.